The Rest Of Your Life - CD
Emberlasting climbs to loftier heights and plumbs greater depths on The Rest of Your Life, their full length follow-up to last year’s self-titled EP. The “roller coaster ride” of the past year colors the thematic material of the songs on the album to which the band applies their signature memorable melodies and undeniable hooks. All of the guys dealt with the struggles that come with managing life with young families, kids and jobs, but the year was particularly tough for one of them. “I was in a car accident with my family days before we were supposed to have the CD release show for the Emberlasting EP,” says songwriter and guitarist, Brian Jones. “Thankfully everyone was okay, but I broke my collarbone and had two surgeries. That and all of the other things that went along with the accident really had me in a place where I was asking God ‘Why’? Writing these songs really helped me to work through those questions and emotions and express what I was feeling. Our God is big enough to handle our being honest with Him. He wants us to run to him during those times and not from Him. He wants to be our comfort and our peace and show us his unconditional love is there when things are going great and that it’s still there when things are not so great.” Says bassist, Rich Tiemann, “there’s also this idea of ‘OK. Here I am. This is my situation. Where do I go from here?’ That’s really the essence of The Rest of Your Life.”
Emberlasting is a power pop rock band from west central Florida. They are comprised of Brian Jones: guitar and backing vocals; Sam Massaro: lead vocals and guitar; Rich Tiemann: bass; and Jon Whitten: drums.
For fans of: Relient K, Weezer, Green Day, Bleach